Sunday, 23 March 2008

Wine Man Insures His Nose

There are few wine news stories that I share on this page but there's been one this week that I feel deserves a mention.

Ilja Gort is the Dutch owner of the Bordeaux vineyard Chateau de la Garde has insured his nose against loss of the item and against losing his sense of smell. A policy that is worth nearly £4 million. He took out the policy after hearing about a man who lost his sense of smell in a car accident. The insurance contract includes a list of what Gort considers "old-fashioned rules" to protect his nose. The Dutchman is not allowed to ride a motorcycle or be a boxer, knife thrower's assistant or a fire-breather.

After doing a bit more research I discovered he wasn't the first to do this.

In 2003, the supermarket chain Somerfield insured the tongue and tastebuds of its senior wine buyer, Angela Mount, for a £10m, arguing that the skills of her "olfactory system" were responsible for greatly increasing its wine sales. Lloyd's also insures the taste buds of restaurateur Egon Ronay and the nostrils of perfume specialists.

I'd love to know the annual cost of such a policy...........

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